DHT is dihydrotestosterone, it is one of the major causes of hair loss in men It is caused by an enzymatic reaction of the enzyme 5-Alpha Reductase in the scalp skin with testosterone.

Male Hair Loss Causes
For men, who experience hair loss in their 20’s and 30’s, the major cause of hair loss is:
2.Styling stress
Research has determined that male pattern baldness results from a series of changes in the hair follicle. Changing of testosterone to a substance called DHT is what happens in the follicle. The resulting DHT reduces the follicle size until it produced only a thin hair strand. Toxins, medications, substances and foods also are found in hair follicles.
What Is The Best Hair Loss Treatment for Men?
Free Radical Damage occurs when UV rays from the sun damage the scalp skin and degrade the structure and moisture content of hair. UV rays are also responsible for color fadage. Free radical damage, which destroys skin tissue of the scalp, also occurs within the hair follicle when the very foods, medication, and other substances we ingest react with toxins in our bloodstream. Our body’s natural metabolism for utilizing the foods we eat even causes some free radical production. Antioxidants neutralize free radicals. Use of them internally through supplements, foods and men’s hair loss products gives a two-fold approach to minimizing the activity of free radicals. The Therapy-G Vitamin Complex includes antioxidants to help fight Free Radicals within the body.
Male Hair Loss Treatment / Hair Loss Treatment For a Man
DHT is dihydrotestosterone, it is one of the major causes of hair loss in men It is caused by an enzymatic reaction of the enzyme 5-Alpha Reductase in the scalp skin with testosterone.